"Sanford & Sign"

In July 2017, DriveErie LLC launched a new game called "Sanford and Sign". The goal of the game is to be the first person to find a specific road sign. The winner will receive a gift certificate to a local establishment. There will be one winner per month.
The intent of the "Sanford and Sign" game is for drivers to reduce their distractions and pay more attention to what is going on OUTSIDE their vehicle.
In 2016, just in Pennsylvania there were 16,036 crashes, as well as, 61 fatal crashes where the contributing factor was distracted driving. The estimated total cost of traffic crashes in Pennsylvania in 2016 was just under 18 billion dollars.
LIKE and SHARE DriveErie, LLC on FaceBook to get updates on which road sign you will be looking for and the monthly prize.
Safe travels.